Black Progress Resources
Competitor Comparison Chart
BPR is an organization built on the premise that if BPR can secure the opportunity to fill an executive opening for an organization with the best black candidate, BPR will begin to change the color of the executive suite while enhancing the aspiration of everyone of color within the organization.
Turnbo Malone
One of America's first and most prominent African-American businesswomen, Annie Turnbo Malone founded and developed Poro College, a commercial and educational business focused on cosmetics for black women.
While experimenting with hair and different hair-care products, she developed and manufactured her own line of non-damaging hair straighteners, special oils, and hair-stimulant products for African-American women. She named her new product “Wonderful Hair Grower.” To promote her new product, Turnbo sold the Wonderful Hair Grower in bottles door-to-door. Her products and sales began to revolutionize hair-care methods for all African Americans.
Poro College as an institution of learning was established as a way to teach people about black cosmetology. Through the school and the business, Malone created jobs for 75,000 women around the world. She's recorded as the first black female millionaire in the United States, with a reported $14 million in assets in 1920 ($167 million by today's standards).