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BP Executive Staffing: Don’t talk the talk unless you can walk the walk.

Most organizations have developed some sort of diversity and inclusion program over the years, but the Black Lives Matter protest and Aurora James 15% pledge have frightened many organizations into making significant diversity promises that they are now left to fulfill. As the smoke clears, these organizations are often left with nothing more than their reactive and at times desperate rhetoric with no clear path forward to deliver on their august promises. Fortunately, BPM offers these organizations fulfilling resources to demonstrate real action as well as substantive results.

BPM is in the right place, at the right time, with the right solutions. Every organization can benefit from the executive recruiting and staffing solutions BPM offers to effectuate immediate change in their executive suite and boardroom. And nothing will give them more positive returns throughout their organization, their community, or in the marketplace than the timely inclusion of more Black executives. BPM’s Executive Staffing Program is the answer to their invocations.

With BPX Executive Staffing [BPX], we are knocking on open doors. In 2022, BPX Executive Staffing’s impact went well beyond our expectations. Led by the stellar accounts we acquired over the past several months, including Walmart, NFL, Glassdoor, Moderna, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Manpower, PwC, Oshkosh Corporation, Insmed, BMI, Tenneco, Alvarez & Marsal, Intermountain Healthcare, etc., we are now poised to take our staffing services international.

A special thanks needs to be given to our BPX Executive Staffing recruitment team of Jordyn Haynesworth and Heather Liberati as well as key recruiting contributors including, but not limited to, Guylaine DiSalvo, Christian Sutherland-Wong [CEO of Glassdoor], Calvin Blackmon, Linda Chatmon, Brenda Smith, Doug Whaley, and many more BPM Advisors and Ambassadors.

Additionally in 2022, our BPM Black-Owned Business Incubation Program helped to launch M&L Devine Resources with Calvin Blackmon as our first BP Executive Staffing Teaming Partnership.



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