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BPX Executive Staffing: Let's Break the Glass Ceiling Together

At Black Progress Matters, we believe that diversity in leadership is essential to add perspective and effectiveness as the employee base becomes more diverse. BPM is an organization built on the premise that if we can secure the opportunity to fill an executive opening for an organization with the best Black candidate, we will begin to change the color of the executive suite while enhancing the aspiration of everyone of color within the organization.

Leading organizations require diversity in leadership to add perspective and effectiveness as their employee base becomes increasingly more diverse. While there has been encouraging growth in Black professionals in the workplace, many organizations are struggling with diversity at the executive and boardroom level - and delivering Black leadership in both the executive suite and boardroom is key to our mission.

With BPM, our Advisory Board Members and Ambassadors are knocking on open doors. Black Progress Matters is in the right place, at the right time, with the right solutions. Every organization can benefit from the instant staffing solutions BPM offers to effectuate immediate change in the color of their executive level. And nothing will give them more positive returns throughout their organization, community, or marketplace than the timely inclusion of more Black executives.

Our BPX Executive Staffing program provides an immediate, productive, and visible impact to deliver Black leadership in both the executive suite and boardroom. With the BPX Executive Staffing Teaming Partnership program, eligible organizations, recruiters, staffing firms, and trusted advisors can partner with us to provide direct access to our BPX Executive Staffing program. This partnership program is an opportunity to offer more value to their existing network by providing them with a highly valued staff recruiting and placement service.

Our BPX Teaming Partners, especially social-good organizations, have the remarkable opportunity to not only generate revenue for their mission but also to create an opportunity for significant earnings by its members who participate as BPM Advisors or Ambassadors.



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