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Technology: UnBiasIt is Combating Bias Throughout the Entire Data Lifecycle

Introducing UnBiasIt's Bias-Free Data Lifecycle Management Solution

As AI technology continues to advance, the issue of bias in algorithms has become a significant concern for enterprises. In this week's newsletter, we highlight UnBiasIt, a cutting-edge technology company launched in partnership with our BPM Black-Owned Business Incubator, and how they are revolutionizing how large enterprises approach data management and bias mitigation with its innovative Bias-Free Data Lifecycle Management solutions. This approach addresses data bias throughout the data's entire life cycle, from creation to destruction.

Here is a breakdown of how UnBiasIt's technology operates during every stage of the standard Data Lifecycle Management process:

  • Data Creation: UnBiasIt's AI-powered Writing App eliminates communication bias in real-time, suggesting alternative phrasing and highlighting unconscious bias.

  • Data Acquisition: Bias Alert is a monitoring tool that identifies bias or misconduct in over 150 languages, reducing bias during data acquisition.

  • Data Storage: UnBiasIt Data Connect provides universal data interoperability, integrating corporate data using a modular framework for better accessibility and visibility.

  • Data Processing: UnBiasIt ai Data Detect identifies inaccuracies, redundancies, and inconsistencies, improving data quality during processing.

  • Data Analysis: Bias Alert identifies and reduces bias in data analysis by continuously monitoring and detecting bias or misconduct in data sets.

  • Data Archival: UnBiasIt’s Advanced Archive is a compliant platform for preserving regulated data, providing end-users with access and search tools, and advanced e-discovery.

  • Data Destruction: UnBiasIt provides a secure and compliant method for destroying data that is no longer required, preventing unauthorized access to data.

UnBiasIt's solution enables companies to achieve data quality proactively, ensuring that their data is free from bias and accurate. This approach promotes fair and accurate communication, making informed decisions based on trustworthy data. Interest in learning more about UnBiasIt, email



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