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UnBiasIt Data Stack: Transparency Drives Accountability

Unlike other assets, data presents a unique challenge for organizations because it often lacks the identification necessary for proper recognition, storage, and utilization. Data in an organization is created and accumulated in massive amounts from an almost endless array of sources both internal and external [leading to confusion and ownership disputes, as well as contributing to the obfuscation of bias and misconduct]. The inherent disorientation in most organization’s data optic often leads to costly mistakes, compliance violations, and litigation.

“When discussing the type of businesses BPM wanted to incubate, my first priority was a Black-owned tech company with advanced technologies that could speak directly to our BPM mission.” – Dean Haynesworth, CEO, UnBiasIt

The remarkable offering that has emerged from this initiative is our UnBiasIt Data Stack. The UnBiasIt Data Stack is the first solution to provide enterprises with an immediate deterrent to inherent bias in their organization, as well as delivering the most advanced data management solution available in the marketplace today.

The Problems We Solve Our UnBiasIt Data Stack can recognize, control, protect, store, administer, and organize all of an organization’s data. A full data optic is a critical component of any organization’s transparency and accountability, and our UnBiasIt Data Stack is the most comprehensive data optic solution available. Leveraging our UnBiasIt Data Stack will enable organizations to turn their data into a valuable asset while recognizing and deterring potential bias and misconduct both internally and externally.

UnBiasIt HR Eliminate Bias with the Bias Alert

UnBiasIt AI Assess your Bias Data Posture

UnBiasIt M&A Bias-Free Data Due Diligence Solutions

The UnBiasIt Data Stack, including Racial Bias Alert, UnBiasIt Data Detect, Data Drop, Data Vault, Storage, and Deletion, as well as our UnBiasIt Compliance Monitor fully enable a comprehensive Data as a Resource foundation for the critical information governance that is demanded of every enterprise.



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